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Spread is social media redesigned.

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Spreaders say it best

"I am a new convert to the war on user generated content."

Ben Smith

Editor-in-Chief, Semafor

"I used to share articles, podcasts and music in never ending group chats. Now I just spread it."

William Cauley

University Student

"Spread is like seeing behind the psychological barrier to understand why people I think of as smart think the way they do."

Jeff Nunokawa

Professor of Literature, Princeton University

“I start my daily reading on Spread but also use it as a personal diary to keep track of everything I found interesting over time.”

Conor Kinkead

Geopolitical Expert

“When I see really interesting stuff my first instinct is to post on Spread.”

Laura Taglianetti


“Spread is like the news section on Reddit but better.”

Vincent Escobar

University Student

"Spread cured my addiction to doom scrolling."

Stu Rogers

Co-founder and CEO, Spread

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